C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.C1Schedule Namespace / BaseObjectMappingCollection<T> Class

BaseObjectMappingCollection<T> Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see BaseObjectMappingCollection<T> members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyReturns MappingInfo object for BaseObject.MenuCaption property of the object. If the storage object is bound to a data source via its DataSource property, the properties of this object allow the BaseObject.MenuCaption property of the object to be bound to the appropriate field in the data source.  
Public PropertyReturns MappingInfo object for the BaseObject.Color property of the object. If the storage object is bound to a data source via its DataSource property, the properties of this object allow the BaseObject.Color property of the object to be bound to the appropriate field in the data source.  
Public PropertyGets the generic equality comparer that is used to determine equality of keys in the collection. (Inherited from C1.C1Schedule.MappingCollectionBase<T>)
Public PropertyGets the number of elements actually contained in the MappingCollectionBase<T> object. (Inherited from C1.C1Schedule.MappingCollectionBase<T>)
Public PropertyReturns MappingInfo object for the BasePersistableObject.Id property. If the storage object is bound to a data source via its DataSource property, the properties of this object allow the BasePersistableObject.Id property to be bound to the appropriate field in the data source. (Inherited from C1.C1Schedule.MappingCollectionBase<T>)
Public PropertyReturns MappingInfo object for the BasePersistableObject.Index property. If the storage object is bound to a data source via its DataSource property, the properties of this object allow the BasePersistableObject.Index property to be bound to the appropriate field in the data source. (Inherited from C1.C1Schedule.MappingCollectionBase<T>)
Public PropertyOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection<string,MappingInfo>)
Public PropertyGets or sets the ISite associated with the IComponent. (Inherited from C1.C1Schedule.MappingCollectionBase<T>)
Public PropertyReturns MappingInfo object for the BaseObject.Text property of the object. If the storage object is bound to a data source via its DataSource property, the properties of this object allow the BaseObject.Text property of the object to be bound to the appropriate field in the data source.  
See Also